Green & Yellow Tours – spaces

The Green & Yellow Heritage Tour of Coleshill is a 2-mile round trip, starting and finishing at the CASPER Art Space on the High Street in Coleshill (B46 3BG) and takes in 12 talking points of heritage and historic interest.

The tour lasts around 90 – 120 minutes, including a stop at the parish church.

Do you want to know what rabbits and elephants have to do with Coleshill or why King John, John Sumner and Alfred Fifield were important to it?

g&y – tour dates 2019

At the moment, these tours are FREE during the period when there is Heritage Lottery Fund coverage of the costs.  The period will end sometime this year, so book early to take advantage of this HLF support.  The next few dates are:

19 January

16 February

16 March

All are Saturdays at 2 p.m. starts unless indicated.  More detail on the poster.

Booking is essential – 01675 463326 from 9-1, Monday to Friday (with a 24-hour answer-machine).



CASPER Family Fun Day – 22 September

Family Fun Day Poster

Only 7 days to go before the CASPER  Family Fun Day in the town (Town Hall, Library, Church, Old Market Hall and Library) events!

Chantry House car par open all day.  Prizes to be won.

Statue unveiling at the new CASPER location.  The first two Green & Yellow Heritage Tours take place at 9:30 am and 2 pm

Event booklets are available from the Town Hall, Library and Books Revisited.  Here are the pages below:

Family Fun Day Booklet- 1,2,7,8

Family Fun Day Booklet- 3,4,5,6

Phone 01675 463326  for any other details, 9-1, Monday to Friday.

Job Vacancy – Groundsman

There is a part-time Groundsman job vacancy at Coleshill Town Council:
Advert for Coleshill Groundsman

If interested in a job description and an application form, please phone 01675 463326 or call into the Town Hall office.  This is open 9 am – 1 pm, Monday to Friday (or the phone has an out of hours answer machine facility).  Alternatively, you could email:

The position is described as approximately 25 hours but will be confirmed at interview stage.  There is an attractive salary-linked pension with the role and the possibility of overtime.  The deadline is midday on 13 September and interviews are expected w/c 17 September.

Job Vacancy – Groundsman

Following a retirement, there is a part-time job vacancy at Coleshill Town Council. The role is that of the Groundsman.  This is the broad job detail:

Advert for Coleshill Groundsman

The position is described as approximately 25 hours but will be confirmed at interview stage.  There is an attractive salary-linked pension with the role and the possibility of overtime.

If interested in a job description and an application form, please phone 01675 463326 or call into the Town Hall office.  This is open 9 am – 1 pm, Monday to Friday (or the phone has an out of hours answer machine facility).  Alternatively, you could email: