Woodlands School presents …..

The Woodlands School has classes based on capitals of the world.  The Rome class is taking part in the Coleshill Local Art Week (CLAW 2019) by producing some of the art and design work the whole class is taking part in.  For instance, there is a word tree where each student has contributed one word about how we should feel about ourselves and others (e.g. knowledge, respect, fairness and proud).

Woodlands Rome Art Exhibition - CLAW 1

Some of the exhibits show how Britain has changed since the Second World War in terms of art, culture and faith.  Students (above) are pictured with the separate collages, which were inspired by a visit to a national museum.  Another shows how the Industrial Revolution affected Britain, with a Lego factory to illustrate the growth of manufacturing.

Woodlands Rome Art Exhibition - CLAW 3

Another exhibit shows a multi-faith and multi-cultural Britain (right).  The British Bulldog has a Sikh head spot, Roman Catholic rosary beads and a Muslim head cover.

There is also a typically British foods table with plates of artistically created fish and chips and Sunday roast offerings.

Woodlands Rome Art Exhibition - CLAW 2

British Values are on display (left) with Union Flags and Westminster Tower and Big Ben shown.

Visitors are still welcome.  So much so, there are chocolate biscuits laid on (real ones!) and the students will be pleased to show off their work and explain all about the themes.


1:30 -2:30 p.m. is the exhibition time this Arts Week.