A message from the Mayor of Coleshill


We have all come through another difficult week, there continues to be very difficult and sad news with the number of cases and deaths rising. It can affect anyone; thankfully our Prime Minister is said to be stable, I wish him a speedy recovery. It is important to look after your mental as well as physical health, there is local and national support, if you need help please ask.

Its Thursday and again tonight we’ll come together in our communities to applaud.  I love the fact that so many are joining in with this display of national pride and support for all key workers, you make us all proud.

This weekend we would be celebrating Easter, a time when we’d usually go on holiday or spend it out and about with friends and family, a religious time for some and I’m sure a few Easter egg hunts. However, with the nice weather we need to continue with the social distancing and self-isolating. The more we stick to the rules the quicker this will be over.

Again, I’d like to point out a few key messages:

  • Stay home, unless it is completely essential that you leave your home, for medications or shopping,
  • Keep to social distancing & isolation guidelines
  • DO NOT go out in groups from different households, you need to keep your loved ones safe & well,

I implore once again the youth of Coleshill to adhere to the rules and ask parents to make sure they follow the guidance of social distancing.  If you have a garden make use of it to get some fresh air safely. I know usually as a Council we’d encourage you to go out, however right now we’d like you to stay in and play online, you’re all tech savvy, what a great excuse! There are some great apps are out there to meet up on, Zoom or Houseparty to name a few, lets see some funny photos on it to cheer us all up and make us laugh,

This week we had a message from HRH Queen Elizabeth II that we’ll get through this and we will meet again, echoing in respect what Dame Vera Lynn once said “Don’t know where, don’t know when.”

Once again as I draw this message to a close I’d like to extend a massive thank you to the NHS staff, Angels of Coleshill, Retail Staff, Postal staff and Council employed workers, these are true heroes keeping our country running and helping others who are vulnerable or in need. Without you people might be left isolated and alone without anything so thank you. Please take this time to look out for your neighbors and those in your community.

There has been a lot of people talking about a celebration when we are through this and in my last message I said one would be held when it is safe to do so. We are still exploring what is possible and we’ll use either the Croft and/or the Memorial Park, with emphasis on the shops that will reopen on the High Street so we can support our local businesses. Get in touch if you have any ideas.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Please stay home, stay safe, protect the NHS, save lives and we’ll all meet again, let’s make sure we all can.


Adam Richardson, Mayor of Coleshill.

Protect the NHS